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9780307451583: MBA in a Book: Mastering Business with Attitude
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Practical ideas from the best brains in Business

A sharp, jargon-free guide to the core curriculum of an MBA program, MBA in a Book shows how to master the big ideas of business and use them in a practical way to build and enhance career success.

“In the world of business, ideas matter. . . . Some of the sharpest minds in the business world give perceptive looks into innovation, marketing, finance, strategy, and leadership, providing stimulating, useful perspectives on these core topics.”
—Larry Bossidy, retired chairman and CEO of Honeywell International and coauthor of Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

Great business thinkers such as Michael Porter, Rosabeth Kanter, and Bill George of Harvard Business School; Paul Argenti of the Tuck School at Dartmouth; Jeffrey Sonnenfeld of Yale; Peter Senge of MIT; the entrepreneur and inventor Dean Kamen; and the financial innovator Michael Milken are just a few of the best brains in business, providing the intellectual nourishment that will help you play the game of business at the highest level.

Le informazioni nella sezione "Riassunto" possono far riferimento a edizioni diverse di questo titolo.

JOEL KURTZMAN is chairman of the Kurtzman Group (, a research and consulting firm that focuses on issues relating to knowledge management, strategy, economic development, global risk, governance, and thought leadership. Earlier in his career he was a New York Times reporter and editor, an editor of Harvard Business Review, the founder of strategy+business magazine, and a senior partner for thought leadership and innovation at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Estratto. © Riproduzione autorizzata. Diritti riservati.:

When I was the editor of the Harvard Business Review, I had a recurring fantasy (no, not that kind of fantasy). In my fantasy the dean of the Harvard Business School–my boss–would call me into his dimly lit, book-lined, wood-paneled office. He would sit me down, draw the shades, and lock the door. He would pace. In some version of the fantasy he would wring his hands, shrug, hem and haw. In others he would offer me a glass of port and a fine cigar. (I liked the second version better.)

In that fantasy, the dean–an enormous man with a raspy, conspirator’s voice–would say to me that my job at the Harvard Business Review was to make business appear difficult to the readers. “Don’t publish any smart-aleck articles about how Andrew Carnegie or Henry Ford never finished grammar school or how Bill Gates dropped out of college. Publish articles that talk about how difficult business is, how complicated it is to read a balance sheet, how many times you have to run a regression analysis to really understand your market, how the problems of strategy are intractable. Make it all seem hard,” he would tell me with a scowl.

“Hard? Why?” I would ask rather meekly.

“Why? Why?” he would repeat, eyes narrowed into tiny slits. “Did you really ask me why, you nincompoop?”

“Yes,” I would say, clearing my throat. “I did.”

“Because it is. And besides, what would happen to our business if your readers thought business wasn’t all that difficult? That any imbecile could do it? What do we do then?” the dean would bellow. “We sell business education, business books, business magazines, online business content, business videos, business case studies, lectures, degrees, research, class notes. The whole shebang. If people thought business was easy, we’d be wiped out. Finito. End of story.”

My fantasy did not go on much after that. And in truth, I have great admiration for the dean, the school, the students, and the faculty. The Harvard Business School is a tremendous institution, and it has done an enormous amount of good for thousands of people and institutions on many, many levels. Even so, as I think about business, I have come to understand that my fantasy was in some ways right as well as wrong.

It was wrong because business isn’t easy. At least it isn’t at the moment. The forces governing competition today are very difficult to navigate. They are global, technological, financial, and human. The cycles of growth and decline–which many pundits in the 1990s said were no longer applicable–are back in full force. In fact, the same items–globalization and technology–that people said had ended the business cycle are now being viewed as making it worse. Globalization and technology, it is now said, have destroyed the ability of many companies to price their goods and services at a premium, which is hurting profits globally. (In the ’90s, the same phenomenon was viewed the other way around. Globalization and technology would check inflation and keep prices low so that cost-conscious consumers would continue buying, fueling what some people at the time called the “long boom.”)

But that’s not all.

The forces governing business are large–very large. They range from sudden, short-term shifts in consumer buying habits–a two-season-long denim craze, a two-year Hula Hoop frenzy, a four-year-long cigar fad, for example–to slower, medium-term changes, such as the decade-long shift from conservative business attire to clothes for casual Fridays and then to clothes for (as my children might say) whatever.

And then there are the longer-term changes on top of these shorter-term shifts. In many countries since the 1960s there has been a slow growth of citizen movements (nongovernmental organizations, protest and pressure groups, business-oriented religious groups, human rights groups, antiglobalization groups, animal rights groups, and so on). Over the last three or four decades, these groups have become very sophisticated, professional, and well organized. Many are well funded and highly strategic in their approach. Many of their leaders have degrees from elite business and professional schools. These groups employ carefully thought-out strategies to achieve their overall goals. They ally themselves with political parties and labor groups.

I have had direct experience with several of these groups in the United States and in Europe. The leader of a French antiglobalization group told me that his organization would never compromise with business on their aims because they have a greater political agenda. The group–whose leaders include some well-respected French journalists and university professors–told me they will not negotiate. Their aim was to restrict outbound French investment (keep French jobs in France), create tougher environmental restrictions, and limit non-French cultural imports (movies, music, and books), among other things. The leader of the group said he was against markets and against American-style capitalism. When this group plans a demonstration, tens of thousands of people show up. As a result, the politicians listen and companies must cope.

Another group, an American environmental organization, explained to me why it had mounted a boycott against a certain Japanese automaker. The carmaker, the group’s leader explained, was actually innocent when it came to the environmental offense in question. It did, however, have significant investment from, and shared directorships with, another Japanese company that was clear-cutting hardwood forests in Indonesia. By putting pressure on one company it could exert influence over the other due to their shared governance structure, the environmental leader explained. Over the last twenty-five years this organization has come to know as much about business as the best stock market analysts and investment bankers do.

There are other large, long-term changes as well–new technologies (broadband, for example) where the business case has been obvious for decades but the correct business model has yet to materialize.

In this category, difficult, long-term problems increased competition from nontraditional corporate and/or global rivals–the three-decade-long rise of China from economic backwater to high-tech manufacturing giant, the nearly three-decade move by several European governments to develop Airbus Industries into a powerful rival to Boeing for passenger jets, the growing threat to Microsoft from the so-called free (you still have to pay experts to install it and customize it) Linux operating system.

Competition from the margins moves to center stage in a familiar pattern written about by Harvard’s Clayton Christensen, author of The Innovator’s Dilemma. In this work Christensen recounts the story of Digital Equipment Company (DEC), which, until the late ’80s, produced a market-leading minicomputer–the VAX–whose dominance was overturned by the PC, which began as an inferior product that wasn’t even on DEC’s competitive radar scope. He also recounts the story of how Big Steel suddenly found itself supplanted by the rise of mini-mills that produced far cheaper steel from scrap, while the big players were forced to smelt ore using higher-priced technologies and processes.

There is no question that business is complex. On that point, I have to hand it to the dean. But difficult does not mean hard, which I take to mean something akin to joyless toil. From my point of view, doing business is not the emotional equivalent of a sentence to San Quentin or Rikers Island. Nor is it drudgery. Business is one of life’s great games, and it is exhilarating. In fact, calling business business is demeaning. I much prefer the words the French use for business, les affaires, which imply (at least to me) that the subject, in one way or another, applies to nearly everything; that it is encompassing, vast, integral to what we are and even who we are. Business is not just a job. It is so much more–goods and services, folly and delight, wealth and power, value and loss, money, dazzle, hype, dread, and exuberance, and of course exchange.

In the end–or rather the beginning–business is about exchange, which means that it is a game that cannot be played alone. A farmer can grow food enough for himself and his family, but it is not business until someone takes that food to market to trade it for something else. Business is a networking event. Business has no equivalent of a baseball pitching machine. It is not bowling alone, nor is it hitting a tennis ball against the garage door. Business is played with others and without a helmet.

The beauty and enticement of business is not just that it is so broad. People make a living from overseeing pharmaceutical research that takes decades and will save lives, just as they do from printing custom T-shirts with pictures of your dog. The beauty of business is that no part of it–from the gigantic pharmaceutical company to the little T-shirt entrepreneur–is ever risk-free. Big companies fail just like the little ones.

It is not exactly fair to say that people find business exciting for the same reasons that deep-sea divers or aerialists like their areas of endeavor. Yet the potential for a business washout does focus the mind. And if business is a game–as I believe it is–it is all the more exciting because the stakes are so high.

I don’t mean to sound flip or inhumane in this short introduction to this big book. People losing their jobs, their savings, and their retirement accounts are not subjects to laugh about. When Enron, WorldCom, or Barings Bank failed, thousands of people’s lives were devastated. Not only were their bank accounts lightened, their dreams were dashed, and worse.

Still, because business is played with only the barest of safety nets–at least in the United States–successes, when they occur, are that much sweeter.

Every business is built on Big Ideas. What do I mean by Big Ideas? I am not necessarily talking about complex ideas, flashy ideas, complicated ideas, or mathematical ideas, although they certainly have their place.

What I mean by Big Ideas are concepts that are practical, down-to-earth, and appropriate, and which in the end reduce the fog of complexity into something simple, solid, tangible, and most of all workable. Big Ideas are practical ideas. They are ideas that help people achieve their dreams, that serve as the pathways from one success to another. They help one group fulfill another group’s needs.

You do not have to be the proverbial rocket scientist to be successful, unless your business is building rockets. A century and a half ago Levi Strauss founded the clothing company that continues to bear his name when he realized that miners in the California gold rush needed trousers far more rugged than anything they could buy at the time. True, it wasn’t exactly the theory of relativity, and denim pants don’t exactly cure cancer. But Levi Strauss’ idea was imbued with great utility and–as we know–longevity. His idea was sufficient to support the development of a company that over time provided the livelihood of tens of thousands of workers in factories and in stores, all the while covering, protecting, and in some cases enhancing the bottoms of millions of customers. To put it in the vernacular, it was an idea with legs.

But that’s not the end of the story, as we know. The wonderful and simple idea that begat the world’s first blue-jeans maker, Levi Strauss, also begat a host of rivals worldwide. Many of those rivals had very short lives. But many found their own niches, taking away market share from the once-dominant player. What is the point of this story? Simply that the game of business is not just played on the offense. There is a defensive game as well. Great companies–and great business leaders–play both games equally well.

In this book I have asked some of the best minds in business to put down some of their best thoughts. I have asked them to be candid, open, and opinionated. I have asked them to tackle the subjects they love from perspectives that they know work. I have asked them to give readers a glimpse of how they think about what they do.

There are a number of different types of contributors to this book.

First, there are people we used to call “business practitioners” when I worked at the Harvard Business Review. This group includes people such as Dean Kamen, the inventor of dozens of high-tech medical devices, the developer of the Segway human transportation device, and the founder of many successful companies; Michael Milken, one of the world’s most important, brilliant, and controversial financial minds, who raised hundreds of billions of dollars through the high-yield bond market to fund new and emerging companies worldwide; and James Champy, inventor of the term reengineering and author of the first book on the subject.

In addition, a number of journalists have contributed to this volume–people such as Glenn Rifkin, a frequent writer for the New York Times, and Victoria Griffith, a reporter for Europe’s Financial Times.

And there are academics. Among this group are Harvard’s Michael Porter and Benjamin Shapiro, both leaders in their respective disciplines of strategy and marketing, and Yale’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld.

And finally, there are the brilliant thinkers who defy categorization because they do so many different things. These include Sam Hill, whose understanding of “branding” is without equal; Adrian Slywotzky, who has developed new theories about profits and how to get your fair share; and Robert Eccles, one of the world’s most profound thinkers on financial reporting and measurement. There are dozens more.

The aim of this book is simple–to help readers become more accomplished at what they do. Its goal is to help readers shift their vantage points, shake up their thinking, and stretch their minds. Its aim is to help people look at the world from new and unusual points of view.

But it has another aim as well. While this book is serious, thoughtful, and deep, it is also supposed to be fun. Consider this book a friend at the ready, one who is always there with something to say–sometimes analytical, sometimes opinionated, but rarely equivocating. Consider it to be a tool to freshen up your thinking whenever you come to a seemingly intractable problem. It is a book filled with big ideas, but it is also a book whose aim is practicality. It is a book you can open up at random or read all the way through. If you enjoy this book as you are being informed by it, it will have served its purpose.

How to Use This Book

Like almost everyone in the late ’90s, I had an idea for a business-related Internet start-up company. The company would gather together great business content and organize it from the perspective of a business user. It would make that content easily searchable and accessible.

The idea was that when people get a new job, decide to start a company, are moved to a new division, or simply want to do their current job better, they need access to high-quality, highly focused information. In addition, teams, whether they’re inside a company or are a group of consultants, are composed of people with different backgrounds and skills and need a way to quickly understand each other’s disciplines and points of view.

To use a little jargon, the idea was that since so many companies are trying to become flatter and leaner–less hierarchical and more matrixlike–with fewer silos, people need to get a better understanding of how everyone thinks about life and business. To do this, they need knowledge that is not only deep and specialized but also wide and general.

To work in flatter organiz...

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  • EditoreCrown
  • Data di pubblicazione2008
  • ISBN 10 0307451585
  • ISBN 13 9780307451583
  • RilegaturaCopertina flessibile
  • Numero di pagine448
  • Valutazione libreria

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9780609610886: MBA in a Box: Practical Ideas from the Best Brains in Business

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ISBN 10:  0609610880 ISBN 13:  9780609610886
Casa editrice: Crown Pub, 2004

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Kurtzman, Joel; Rifkin, Glenn; Griffith, Victoria
Editore: Crown Currency (2008)
ISBN 10: 0307451585 ISBN 13: 9780307451583
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Kurtzman, Joel
Editore: Crown Currency (2008)
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Kurtzman, Joel; Rifkin, Glenn; Griffith, Victoria
Editore: Crown Currency (2008)
ISBN 10: 0307451585 ISBN 13: 9780307451583
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Kurtzman, Joel; Rifkin, Glenn; Griffith, Victoria
Editore: Crown Currency (2008)
ISBN 10: 0307451585 ISBN 13: 9780307451583
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Kurtzman, Joel
Editore: Crown Currency (2008)
ISBN 10: 0307451585 ISBN 13: 9780307451583
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Kurtzman, Joel
Editore: Crown Currency (2008)
ISBN 10: 0307451585 ISBN 13: 9780307451583
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Victoria Griffith Joel Kurtzman Glenn Rifkin
Editore: Random House (2008)
ISBN 10: 0307451585 ISBN 13: 9780307451583
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Joel Kurtzman
Editore: Crown (2008)
ISBN 10: 0307451585 ISBN 13: 9780307451583
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