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9780895297686: Lick the Sugar Habit: Sugar Addiction Upsets Your Whole Body Chemistry
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Nancy Appleton, Ph.D., shows you how sugar upsets the body chemistry and devastates the endocrine and immune systems, leading to a host of diseases and conditions including hypoglycemia, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, headaches, allergies, asthma, obesity, periodontal disease, tooth decay, and more. A sugarholic since childhood, Dr. Appleton cured herself of chronic illnesses including bronchitis and pneumonia by changing her lifestyle. Here is her self-help program to help you lick the sugar habit and live a healthier life. She explains how it worked for her...and how it can work for you.

Le informazioni nella sezione "Riassunto" possono far riferimento a edizioni diverse di questo titolo.

Nancy Appleton, PhD, earned her BS in clinical nutrition from UCLA and her PhD in health services from Walden University. She maintains a private practice in Los Angeles, California. An avid researcher, Dr. Appleton lectures extensively throughout the world and has appeared on numerous television and radio talk shows. In addition to Like the Sugar Habit, she is also the author of the bestselling Healthy Bones and Secrets of Natural Healing with Food.
Estratto. © Riproduzione autorizzata. Diritti riservati.:

A Word From the Author

I hope you find the information in this up-to-date edition of Lick the Sugar Habit valuable. We eat a tremendous amount of sugar today—an average of 149 pounds per person per year—and more and more people have health problems as a result of this sugar intake, problems for which they are seeking answers.

The basic premise of this book has changed very little from the original. Homeostasis is homeostasis, from the beginning of time to the end of time, and from the beginning of life to the end of life. I have, however, included new research and added valuable new information about sugar that was not known twelve years ago.

The sad truth is that we, as a nation, are eating much more sugar than ever before. This abuse causes a continual insult to our bodies that eventually results in physical problems. Of course, it is not just sugar that causes upset body chemistry. Other things in our twentieth-century lifestyle can also result in a body out of balance, out of homeostasis. The information presented in this book is designed to encourage you to take control of your life and become responsible for maintaining good health through educated choices.

Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.


I would like to take this opportunity to recognize a special debt of gratitude to Bruce Pacetti, D.D.S.

His knowledge of the Body Chemistry Principle along with the willingness with which he communicated it to me as well as to others is the bedrock foundation of my successful effort to regain my health. Many of my ideas in this book come from our many talks and his lectures. Not only did I regain my health, but through his understanding and love, a special friendship has developed.

Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.


On what do we place the blame for the poor health of modern man? Diet is surely a major factor.

Eggs, that’s it. Quick, everyone! Switch to sweet rolls and coffee before the eggs clog your arteries! Oh, no—it’s the fat. No more red meat, cut out the butter, watch out for the deadly salad dressing! No, no—salt is the villain. Go for bland, hide the shaker!

Have you noticed that few experts blame sugar? Pure and white, it innocently makes its way into much of our food and into our mouths. If it’s so-o-o-o-o-o good, how could it be so bad? Who would not want to believe that it’s the omelet rather than the ice cream that’s doing us in? Apple pie and ice cream is, after all, the national dish.

Lick the Sugar Habit suggests that sugar eating, our national pastime, is linked to disease, our leading growth industry. We’ve heard this theory before. Never before, however, has it been presented so clearly and without fanaticism. Nancy Appleton is not saying that sugar is the only cause of disease. She is saying that sugar is a major contributor to the disease process. She presents sugar as one of the stress factors that weaken our defenses against illness.

Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Eliminating sugar from the diet is also reasonable. Have you ever cut out sugar? That’s when life can get very unreasonable. Cold-turkey withdrawal from sugar can bring on the shakes, fever, depression, and headaches. At that point it seems more reasonable to continue the addiction.

Lick the Sugar Habit is a lifesaver, literally. It is a guide to getting unhooked from sugar. Tips on shopping, snacking, supportive friendships, and exercise make this book much more than another synopsis of all the studies on diet and disease.

Even more appealing, Nancy Appleton has been there. Once a sugarholic, she has won the battle against sugar addiction and has been rewarded with vibrant health. The empathy she brings to this subject is genuine. She knows the detrimental effects of sugar.

Are you ready for renewed health and vitality? Will you make the effort to heal and prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and osteoporosis?

The most important effort, for many of us, is licking the sugar habit. Unless that is done, all else may be largely wasted effort. The beneficial effects of exercise are lessened by a sugar diet. The roller-coaster emotions of a sugarholic often wreck supportive relationships. A sugar-dependent person is often too tired to function well at home or at work.

If you are ready to be the best that you can be, this book is for you. Sugar-free may be the missing piece in your puzzle for health.

Shirley Lorenzani, Ph.D.


Nancy Appleton relates her personal story, and with clear scientific analysis gives an understanding of how disease originates and what one can do about it. She also tells how one can improve and monitor one’s basic health, and how one can enhance the response to any necessary doctoring.

I have spent the last fifteen years of my professional life doing research, clinically applying and lecturing on an obscure biological principle, which is showing evidence of being the common denominator of all disease. It was like a breath of fresh air for me to see how easily Nancy Appleton understood the Body Chemistry Principle the first time I met and exchanged ideas with her. The Body Chemistry Principle is usually not easily understood by health care practitioners.

The Body Chemistry Principle has to do with the functioning of the body systems that depend upon the body’s chemical balances. These systems include the immune system, endocrine system, and digestive system, among others.

Several civilizations have crumbled because of a lack of knowledge about the Body Chemistry Principle. Our civilization is now showing the first signs. Insurance companies are concerned today because statistics show that by 1990, 75 percent of our adult population will have a degenerative disease.

Few Americans today die of old age. Instead, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and diabetes are the usual causes of death. Arthritis, indigestion, influenza, and constipation are also a normal part of our lives. In the future, will coronary bypasses, artificial hearts and kidneys, hysterectomies, reading glasses, PMS, false teeth, and plastic hip joints also be accepted as normal? They need not be. As always, the fittest will survive and live. The fittest now will be those who understand and somehow apply the Body Chemistry Principle. Appleton’s book is a practical introduction to this most vital subject.

Bruce Pacetti, D.D.S.


We have heard of the evils of sugar from every writer in the world, except, of course, those from the sugar industry. So what right does Nancy Appleton have to write a book that is going to tell us to stop eating sugar? We’ve heard that old saw before. But wait, gentle reader! There is something in this book of which you are not aware—good and compelling reasons to avoid the sweet stuff.

The biochemical pathway from ingestion to enzyme function decay is traced in such a clear, understandable way that the most confirmed sugarholic will at least cut down on the intake a smidge. How sugar affects the calcium/phosphorus ratio in the bloodstream, how this seems to be the common pathway of stress, and how this stress can lead to degenerative disease are described and documented. I would get a headache, someone else would get migraine, colitis, asthma, eczema, or depression. A method for self-testing at home and monitoring the nutritional treatment is also presented.

Nancy Appleton’s own addiction and recovery give her story a unique viewpoint. She documents the problems stemming from too much sugar and gives self-help techniques and recipes to lick the sugar habit.

A strong case is made for each of us to take responsibility for our own health. Appleton makes it clear that we are responsible for what we eat, think, do, and say. We are not victims of the twentieth-century lifestyle, but many of us do choose a lifestyle that leads to the degenerative disease process.

I recommend this book to everyone who has made personal health a priority, and every person who wants to remove sugar from her or his diet. For sugarholics, Lick the Sugar Habit is an absolute must.

Lendon Smith, M.D.


I Was a Sugarholic

When I was a child, a bakery truck used to come regularly to the back door of our house. If my mother wasn’t around, I could buy anything I wanted and charge it—no one seemed to know who had charged what when the bakery bill came. I would buy six donuts, four nut bars, and a couple of coffee cakes, hide them from the rest of the family, and eat them in private. In two days, all of the goodies would be gone, and I’d wait for the bakery truck and more sweet morsels.

Although I didn’t realize it, I was a sugarholic and a chocoholic. Almost from birth I craved the stuff. In my early childhood, I was plagued with bothersome allergies—the signals of an unbalanced body chemistry. My nose ran continually, and so did my eyes. I was constantly sticking fingers in my ears to try to stop the itching, rubbing my fingers over my throat, or even scratching the back of my throat with my tongue for the same reason. Like most people, I misread these body signals and continued my dangerous dietary habits.

My upsetting addiction became worse in my teenage years. I played tennis for four hours a day, every day, and the calories I burned up on the tennis court more than compensated for the calories in the sweets I continued to eat. Therefore, I could consume an incredible amount of sugar and chocolate and not gain weight, even though I was upsetting my body chemistry. After winning a tennis tournament, I would treat myself to two hot-fudge sundaes. When I would lose a tournament, I would eat a whole package of chocolate cookies. Winner or loser, I was a loser. Again, I just wasn’t aware of the connection between my sweet addiction, upset body chemistry, and illness.

All I knew at that age was that I wasn’t fat—just young, strong, and unhealthy. Every tooth in my mouth was eventually filled with gold or silver. My first bout with pneumonia came at age thirteen, and it put me in the hospital for two weeks. During my second year in college, I had a large tumor removed from my chest, which, after a great deal of expensive investigation, turned out to be a calcium deposit. No one told me that my body was unable to digest milk and calcium properly; no one suggested that the sugar in my diet and other lifestyle factors might be upsetting my body chemistry and causing my increasing health problems. I continued to ignore the signals my body was giving me and, in my ignorance, went right on with my unhealthy lifestyle.

I spent my junior year of college studying in Switzerland, land of chocolate. While in Geneva, I phoned a nearby chocolate factory, explained that I was a food and nutrition major, and asked for a tour. What I really wanted, of course, were the chocolate samples at the end of the line. That little trip fed my habit for about a week. This time, however, the weight game didn’t work. Because I was traveling and not playing my usual four hours of tennis every day, I wasn’t burning off the excess calories. I came back from Europe thirty pounds overweight, my sugar and chocolate cravings stronger than ever.

My adult life was plagued with boils, canker sores, varicose veins, headaches, constipation, fatigue, colds, flus, and four more bouts with pneumonia—the results of a lifestyle that promoted an upset body chemistry. Each time I became sick with pneumonia, recovery took longer; my immune system was being weakened continually by my dietary habits and my lifestyle. After my last bout with pneumonia, my cough lasted for six months. Every specialist I consulted diagnosed my problem as chronic bronchitis. “Take antibiotics ten days out of the month for the rest of your life,” I was told over and over. Not one doctor ever asked, “What do you put in your mouth? What do you eat?”

I was forty years old before I realized how little I knew about nutrition, sugar, allergies, or health. Although I still believed that doctors would take care of me, somehow I just couldn’t swallow their diagnoses any easier than I could swallow antibiotics ten days a month for the rest of my life. As my cough continued, I decided to try yoga. I thought that if I stood on my head long enough, the phlegm would come out of my chest. Wrong again. My cough was still there after hours of viewing the world upside down. I hadn’t realize that my chemically unbalanced body would produce excess phlegm whether I stood right side up or upside down.

A Twist Of Fate

A friend suggested that I explore some new ideas on achieving good health by checking out the book section of a health food store. This idea appealed to the book lover in me, and I soon discovered The Pulse Test, by Arthur F. Coca, M.D. The author said it was possible to detect food allergies by comparing one’s pulse before and after eating the food in question. If my pulse increased ten to twelve beats per minute after I ate the food, Coca suggested, I was not metabolizing that food correctly and was allergic to it.1

Being a good do-it-yourselfer, I took my pulse upon awakening and found that I had a resting pulse rate of sixty beats per minute. Remembering that as a child I had suffered from stomach cramps, gas, and allergies after eating ice cream, I drank one glass of milk and took my pulse shortly after. I couldn’t believe it—my pulse jumped from sixty beats to eighty in just a few minutes. I repeated the experiment the next morning, with the same results.*

That was eighteen years ago, and it was the beginning of a new life. I began seeing many different types of clinicians: homeopathic doctors, naturopaths, orthomolecular doctors, and clinical ecologists. These doctors deal with a variety of methods for healing the body other than antibiotics and surgery. They changed my diet, gave me supplements, and offered homeopathic medicines that might heal my body. It took me a long time to realize that there is no magic pill and that even a lot of pills together do not make a magic potion. As long as I was feeding my body abusive foods and continually upsetting my body chemistry, all the pills in the world would not help. It’s like continuously tapping one’s head with a small hammer and wondering why aspirin isn’t getting rid of the headache!

Awareness and change take time, and so does healing. There is no such thing as instant health, and the damage I had done to my body over the course of forty years would not be undone overnight. The more I became in touch with my body, the easier it was to discover what it did and didn’t need. My body was so out of homeostasis (balance) that it was giving me confusing signals; often the foods that satisfy a craving also deepen the addiction and upset. Getting in touch with my allergies, cravings, addictions, headaches, sneezes, and wheezes was a slow, painful process, but it was also enlightening. Although I often had to backtrack, I eventually learned about my body chemistry and what it took to feel well.

Are You a Sugarholic?

Are you a sugarholic? Is your body giving you any signals? The following quiz will help you determine how pervasive refined sugar is in your lifestyle, and what effect it is having on your body. Refined sugar includes sucrose, honey, fruc...

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  • EditoreAvery
  • Data di pubblicazione1988
  • ISBN 10 089529768X
  • ISBN 13 9780895297686
  • RilegaturaCopertina flessibile
  • Numero edizione2
  • Numero di pagine272
  • Valutazione libreria

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9780895296955: Lick the Sugar Habit

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ISBN 10:  0895296950 ISBN 13:  9780895296955
Casa editrice: Penguin, 2000

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Appleton, Nancy
Editore: Avery (1988)
ISBN 10: 089529768X ISBN 13: 9780895297686
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Gulf Coast Books
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Appleton, Nancy
Editore: Avery (1988)
ISBN 10: 089529768X ISBN 13: 9780895297686
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Appleton, Nancy
Editore: Avery Publishing Group (1996)
ISBN 10: 089529768X ISBN 13: 9780895297686
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Appleton, Nancy
ISBN 10: 089529768X ISBN 13: 9780895297686
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Appleton, Nancy
ISBN 10: 089529768X ISBN 13: 9780895297686
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Descrizione libro Paperback or Softback. Condizione: New. Lick the Sugar Habit: Sugar Addiction Upsets Your Whole Body Chemistry 0.65. Book. Codice articolo BBS-9780895297686

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Appleton, Nancy
ISBN 10: 089529768X ISBN 13: 9780895297686
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California Books
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Appleton, Nancy, Ph.D.
ISBN 10: 089529768X ISBN 13: 9780895297686
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Nancy Appleton
ISBN 10: 089529768X ISBN 13: 9780895297686
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Appleton, Nancy
Editore: Avery (2024)
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Appleton, Nancy
ISBN 10: 089529768X ISBN 13: 9780895297686
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