Dog Ear Books

Dog Ear Books

215 Circle Drive Lane
Clarkesville, GA, U.S.A. 30523

+1 7069494474

Libreria AbeBooks da: 2 gennaio 2024

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A proposito di questo venditore

I specialize in textbooks. This business is my full time occupation and passion. I am a reader first and foremost, and I take pride in quickly and securely shipping good quality books which match their description. Thank you for your interest.

Cerca nei cataloghi di Dog Ear Books

Cataloghi della Libreria


Large inventory of vintage and modern physics/mathematics textbooks. Frequently updated!
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Textbooks on a wide range of chemistry topics including biographies of famous chemists, experimental techniques, research anthologies and more!
Catalogo completo

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Condizioni di spedizione

All books are wrapped in acid free, non-printed paper and shipped in an appropriately sized cardboard box or padded mailer. Extra protective measures available for highly valuable books. For special requests, please email the seller at

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