Shamrock Books

Shamrock Books

11311 N. FM 2528
Lubbock, TX, U.S.A. 79415

Libreria AbeBooks da: 11 settembre 1997

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A proposito di questo venditore

Proprietor Diana Gallagher, Dealer in vintage, rare and antique books since 1982, specializing in Old West, Children's Books, Texas and Texana, Art & Architecture and Military.

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CHECK, CASH OR MONEY ORDERS. CREDIT CARD USERS MUST UTILIZE the appropriate program shown where we have this item listed. We are pleased to ship and then invoice Libraries,Colleges,Universities,Institutions. All books,within U.S. (other than multiple orders) are shipped Media Mail unless buyer specifically chooses otherwise.Paperbacks and softcovers are 3.00, Hardbacks are 5.00 For Overseas orders, (Europe and Asia: International Money-Order, check drawn on U.S. bank or even cash if you wish),Ph...

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Orders usually ship within 2 business days. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.8 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required. Unless specifies, shipping is 2.50 for Media Mail and 5.50 for First Class within the U.S.A. Whenever possible, if the item ordered is not too large or bulky we will try to ship overseas in a Global Priority envelope at their economical 10.00 price - else, if Airmail is required may contact for a relative increase in cost.